VIEW Conference 2020 On-Demand Edition
Buy a ticket for 3 months of on-demand access to up to 129 amazing sessions from the VIEW Conference 2020 Online Edition that happened October 18-23, 2020 as well as PreVIEW events in 2020 and 2021.
VIEW Conference 2020 Online Edition Sessions Available On-Demand
129 sessions from VIEW Conference 2020 Online Edition and PreView events in 2020 and 2021 are available for on-demand streaming access. A ticket gives you 3 months of access to the achive. Checkout the ticket options available on our Tickets page. The list of sessions streamed live during the conference to a global audience from 18-23 October, 2020 appears below.
Animation Sessions Available in the On-Demand Edition
- Keynote ED CATMULL with Ed Catmull
- Talk The Art, Animation and Light of Disney and Pixar's SOUL with Bobby Podesta, Markus Kranzler, Max Bickley
- Workshop 2D Environment Design Concept Arts with Sebastien Hue
- Workshop Storyboarding: Welcome to the Sandbox with Kris Pearn
- Workshop Liar Liar: Acting for Animation with Ted Ty
- Workshop Animated Cinematography with Erik Smitt
- Talk Onward with Sharon Calahan
- Talk A Biography of the Pixel with Alvy Ray Smith
- Workshop Drawing for Story with Kris Pearn
- Panel Future of Cinema with Tomm Moore, Jorge R. Gutierrez, Louise Bagnall, Tony Bancroft
- Workshop Texturing with Substance Painter with Laurens Corijn
- Talk Sergio Pablos in Conversation with Sergio Pablos
- Workshop Animating Comedy Characters with Tony Bancroft
- Workshop Pitching Your Best with Cinzia Angelini
- Talk Pixar's RenderMan: The Latest and Greatest with Dylan Sisson
- Masterclass Becoming a Story Artist with Cinzia Angelini
- Workshop Animating a Spider in Motion with Alex Williams
- Keynote Willoughbys: A Weird Film for Weird Times with Kris Pearn
- Talk PETER RAMSEY with Peter Ramsey
- Bus. Summit Talk Building a Creative Culture - Lessons from the Founders of PDI (Later Dreamworks) with Glenn Entis, Richard Chuang, Carl Rosendahl
- Talk OSNAT SHURER with Osnat Shurer
- Talk The Colorful Side of the Moon: Inside the Production Design for Over the Moon with Celine Desrumaux
- Masterclass Mastering Low And High Poly Hard Surface Modeling in Zbrush with Jonathan McFall
- Workshop Directing Animation with Simone Giampaolo
- Talk Creating Your Own Story from Kentucky to Tijuana with Jorge R. Gutierrez, Shannon Tindle
- Keynote Wolfwalkers with Tomm Moore, Ross Stewart, Mark Mullery, Sandra Norup Andersen, Maria Pareja, Svend Rothmann Bonde
- Panel Stylized Art vs Realism in Art with Alex Beddows, Dylan Sisson, Mark Flanagan
- Panel Shorts as an Art Form with Taylor Meacham, Jeremy Clapin, Simone Giampaolo, Cinzia Angelini
- Talk Just Clowning Around: the Comical Mis-adventures of Animal Crackers with Tony Bancroft
- Panel Directing & Storytelling with Jeff Rowe, Conrad Vernon, Megan Boyd, Jessica Borutski
- Masterclass How is a Cartoon Born? with Marino Guarnieri
- Panel Diversity and Inclusion in Animation: Solutions for a Better World with Ramsey Naito, Taneka Stotts, Karen Toliver, Amy Smith, Danielle O'Hare
- Bus. Summit Talk CG Animation: New Immersive Real-Time Workflows with Inga Petryaevskaya, Mladen Dukic
- Workshop Ted's Demo Reel ReVIEW with Ted Ty
- Talk Mila: The Unconventional Production Journey with Cinzia Angelini, Tamara Boutcher, Nate Barnard
- Talk Portfolio Reviews with Mark Osborne
- Bus. Summit Keynote The Blurred Line Between Modeling and Surfacing with Sebastien Deguy
- Panel Women in the Animation Industry with Mireille Soria, Marge Dean, Osnat Shurer, Maureen Fan
- Workshop Animating with Paper Puppets with Megan Brain
- Workshop Succeeding with an 'Alternative' Pipeline of Open-Source Products with Marino Guarnieri
- Talk Making YOU Matter with Baobab Studios' Baba Yaga with Maureen Fan, Eric Darnell, Kane Lee, Larry Cutler
- Talk From the writing to the production of I lost my body with Jeremy Clapin
- Talk The Casagrandes & Santiago of the Seas with Miguel Puga, Niki Lopez
- Talk Making of 'Only a Child' with Simone Giampaolo
- Masterclass Fare Animazione: Guida per gli Aspiranti Professionisti with Francesco Filippi
Games Sessions Available in the On-Demand Edition
- Panel The Last of Us Part 2 with Erick Pangilinan, John Sweeney
- Workshop 2D Environment Design Concept Arts with Sebastien Hue
- Talk A Biography of the Pixel with Alvy Ray Smith
- Bus. Summit Talk The Words that Paint a Thousand Pictures: The Role of Verbal Communication in Art Direction with Jan-Bart Van Beek
- Talk Got a Question About Games? Ask Jan-Bart Van Beek! with Jan-Bart Van Beek
- Talk Be Yourself: Discovering Miles with James Ham
- Talk Gaming Production at OGR Torino with Patrick Tuttofuoco, Mauro Fanelli, Matteo Pessione, Samuele Piazza, Agostino Simonetta, Giuseppe Enrico Franchi
- Talk Creating an Interactive Samurai Movie: Ghost of Tsushima with Nate Fox
- Bus. Summit Talk The Future of Games & Medicine: Creating EndeavorRx. First Game approved as Medicine by FDA for ADHD with Matt Omernick
- Talk The Role of Education in the Games Industry with Alex Beddows
- Bus. Summit Talk Nordeus Inception: Creating a games studio outside major creative hubs with Milan Jovovic
- Panel Game Art Panel with Sebastien Hue, Todd Sue, Nikola Damjanov, Simeon Schaffner
- Masterclass A to B: Apex Legends Live Service Look Dev Expedition with Todd Sue
- Talk Tales of Redrosid: Designing OCD Roleplay with Luce Van Maren
- Bus. Summit Talk Revolution in the Serbian Gaming Industry with Milos Paunovic
VFX Sessions Available in the On-Demand Edition
- Talk The Future of Filmmaking with Tim Webber
- Workshop 2D Environment Design Concept Arts with Sebastien Hue
- Talk A Biography of the Pixel with Alvy Ray Smith
- Workshop Texturing with Substance Painter with Laurens Corijn
- Talk The Visual Effects of Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker with Roger Guyett
- Masterclass Introduction to Houdini FX Fundamentals with Helge Maus
- Keynote DENNIS MUREN with Dennis Muren
- Talk Pixar's RenderMan: The Latest and Greatest with Dylan Sisson
- Workshop Digital Assets in Houdini: Node by Node to Destruction with Daniel Shutt
- Keynote PHIL TIPPETT with Phil Tippett
- Masterclass Mastering Low And High Poly Hard Surface Modeling in Zbrush with Jonathan McFall
- Talk VFX and Filmmaking: from Superhero Movies to Supernatural Landscapes with Giuseppe Lombardi
- Bus. Summit Keynote The Blurred Line Between Modeling and Surfacing with Sebastien Deguy
- Talk Death of a Dragon and other Memorable Moments with Stefen Fangmeier
- Talk Beyond-FX: Starting & Running a Remote Realtime VFX Studio with Iki Ikram, Nick McElmury
- Panel Are We in a Practical Effects Renaissance? with Alan Scott, Jeremy Hays
Storytelling Sessions Available in the On-Demand Edition
- Talk The Future of Filmmaking with Tim Webber
- Workshop Art of Storytelling - Scratching the Surface with Nikola Damjanov
- Workshop Storyboarding: Welcome to the Sandbox with Kris Pearn
- Workshop Liar Liar: Acting for Animation with Ted Ty
- Workshop The Narrative Power of Film with Glen McIntosh
- Workshop Drawing for Story with Kris Pearn
- Panel Future of Cinema with Tomm Moore, Jorge R. Gutierrez, Louise Bagnall, Tony Bancroft
- Talk Sergio Pablos in Conversation with Sergio Pablos
- Workshop Pitching Your Best with Cinzia Angelini
- Panel The Future of Storytelling with Kyle Balda, Kris Pearn, Jennifer Yuh Nelson, Eric Darnell, Ron Martin
- Masterclass Becoming a Story Artist with Cinzia Angelini
- Talk The Method in the Madness: Why Story Sucks with Maggie Malone
- Workshop Right Ideas: How to Find Them with Francesco Filippi
- Talk PETER RAMSEY with Peter Ramsey
- Talk Extended Creativity with Eloi Champagne
- Talk Creating Your Own Story from Kentucky to Tijuana with Jorge R. Gutierrez, Shannon Tindle
- Keynote Wolfwalkers with Tomm Moore, Ross Stewart, Mark Mullery, Sandra Norup Andersen, Maria Pareja, Svend Rothmann Bonde
- Talk VFX and Filmmaking: from Superhero Movies to Supernatural Landscapes with Giuseppe Lombardi
- Panel Shorts as an Art Form with Taylor Meacham, Jeremy Clapin, Simone Giampaolo, Cinzia Angelini
- Panel Directing & Storytelling with Jeff Rowe, Conrad Vernon, Megan Boyd, Jessica Borutski
- Talk Sharing Stories and Sharing Spaces with Mark Osborne
- Talk Star Wars: The Leviathan of Cinema with Giorgio Ghisolfi
- Masterclass Storytelling for Virtual Production - From Script to Headset with Austin Hill, Anastasia Gurova, Molly Babington, Stevie Stedman, Leroy T. P. Dias
- Bus. Summit Talk The Narrative Culture of Entertainment with Ron Martin
- Workshop Animating with Paper Puppets with Megan Brain
- Bus. Summit Masterclass Process Deconstructed with Sava Zivkovic
- Talk From the writing to the production of I lost my body with Jeremy Clapin
- Talk Brand New Stories with Umberto Morello, Gabriele Magro
- Talk From Animation to Opinion Art: an Interview with Ann Telnaes with Ann Telnaes
- Talk The Challenges of Being a Youth Filmmaker with Gerry Orz
VR/AR/XR Sessions Available in the On-Demand Edition
- Workshop Step-by-step guide on using VR for story development and pre-production with Eloi Champagne
- Workshop Concept to Animation: 3D Pipeline & High Precision Creativity in VR with Rafi Nizam
- Masterclass Storytelling for Virtual Production - From Script to Headset with Austin Hill, Anastasia Gurova, Molly Babington, Stevie Stedman, Leroy T. P. Dias
- Talk Making Art in Virtual Reality with Dylan Sisson
- Talk Making YOU Matter with Baobab Studios' Baba Yaga with Maureen Fan, Eric Darnell, Kane Lee, Larry Cutler
- Bus. Summit Talk Sea Change: Revolutionise Your Content Business with XR Spatial Design with Rafi Nizam
- Workshop Sculpting in VR: All About Forms with Giovanni Nakpil
- Talk AR/VR + GeoPose + Game Engines + 3D Audio + Volumetric + X = Spatial Cinema with Stephen Black
Latest Techniques Sessions Available in the On-Demand Edition
- Workshop Texturing with Substance Painter with Laurens Corijn
- Bus. Summit Talk From Dinosaurs to StageCraft at Industrial Light & Magic with Rob Bredow
- Talk Virtual Cinematography in Modern Filmmaking with Erik Smitt
- Talk Pixar's RenderMan: The Latest and Greatest with Dylan Sisson
- Bus. Summit Keynote Light Fields, Light Stages, and the Future of Virtual Production with Paul Debevec
- Workshop Virtual Cinematography using Unity & Expozure Virtual Film Tools with Habib Zargarpour
- Panel The Whole New World of Virtual Production with Jay Worth, Sam Nicholson, Habib Zargarpour
- Workshop Blender 2.9: The Free Production Studio for Indies with Helge Maus
- Panel Stylized Art vs Realism in Art with Alex Beddows, Dylan Sisson, Mark Flanagan
- Talk AI for Entertainment: Overview, Applications & Recent Breakthroughs with Alonso Martinez
- Panel Women in Virtual Production with Rhea Fischer, Kimberly Aller, Eve Roth, Connie Kennedy
- Bus. Summit Talk The Digital Illusion of Life with Craig Allen
- Bus. Summit Talk CG Animation: New Immersive Real-Time Workflows with Inga Petryaevskaya, Mladen Dukic
- Bus. Summit Keynote The Blurred Line Between Modeling and Surfacing with Sebastien Deguy
- Workshop Understanding The Weak Side of Substance Designer with Alex Beddows
- Talk Behavioral Science & Chill with Wieke Schrakamp
- Workshop Succeeding with an 'Alternative' Pipeline of Open-Source Products with Marino Guarnieri
- Bus. Summit Masterclass Process Deconstructed with Sava Zivkovic
- Talk Making YOU Matter with Baobab Studios' Baba Yaga with Maureen Fan, Eric Darnell, Kane Lee, Larry Cutler
- Talk Art on Digital Canvases in a Historic Tavern with Christoph Scholz
- Talk Beyond-FX: Starting & Running a Remote Realtime VFX Studio with Iki Ikram, Nick McElmury
- Bus. Summit Talk Synthetic Media: The Future of AI Voices in Entertainment with Zeena Qureshi
- Talk Ten Lessons About Technology with Juan Carlos de Martin
Career Journeys Sessions Available in the On-Demand Edition
- Keynote ED CATMULL with Ed Catmull
- Talk A Biography of the Pixel with Alvy Ray Smith
- Bus. Summit Talk From Dinosaurs to StageCraft at Industrial Light & Magic with Rob Bredow
- Keynote DENNIS MUREN with Dennis Muren
- Panel Starting Your Career In Animation with Angie Wojak, Michael Fukushima, Alison Mann, Alonso Ramirez Ramos, Brooke Keesling, Spencer Robelen
- Talk Manifesting the Fork in the Road with Alison Mann
- Talk The Method in the Madness: Why Story Sucks with Maggie Malone
- Talk PETER RAMSEY with Peter Ramsey
- Bus. Summit Talk Building a Creative Culture - Lessons from the Founders of PDI (Later Dreamworks) with Glenn Entis, Richard Chuang, Carl Rosendahl
- Talk OSNAT SHURER with Osnat Shurer
- Talk Creating Your Own Story from Kentucky to Tijuana with Jorge R. Gutierrez, Shannon Tindle
- Talk Just Clowning Around: the Comical Mis-adventures of Animal Crackers with Tony Bancroft
- Talk PDI The Beginning - Reflection on the Inception of PDI 40 Years ago with Carl Rosendahl, Richard Chuang, Glenn Entis
- Workshop Ted's Demo Reel ReVIEW with Ted Ty
- Talk DON GREENBERG with Don Greenberg
- Talk Portfolio Reviews with Mark Osborne
- Panel Axis 20 Years Panel with Stu Aitken, Paula Bird, Michael Zaman
- Bus. Summit Panel Remote Working in the Time of COVID with David Conley, Fiona Walkinshaw
- Bus. Summit Talk The Value an Artist Brings to a Business with Alex Beddows
- Panel Recruiting and Studying in a COVID World with Alwyn Hunt, Lara Hopkins, Krista Jordan, Christina Ryan, Simon Scales
- Talk From a CG Artist to a Director with Sava Zivkovic
- Talk The Value of Self Awareness with Alex Beddows
- Panel The Lady Boss Challenge: Enlisting the Digital Media Industry to Create Content that Inspires Girls and Women to Lead with Fedra Fateh, Paola Gribaudo
- Talk From Glasgow to Global with Richard Scott
- Panel Tribute to Ennio Morricone with Stefano Reali, Kristian Sensini
Business Innovation Summit Sessions
- Bus. Summit Talk From Dinosaurs to StageCraft at Industrial Light & Magic with Rob Bredow
- Bus. Summit Keynote Light Fields, Light Stages, and the Future of Virtual Production with Paul Debevec
- Bus. Summit Talk Building a Creative Culture - Lessons from the Founders of PDI (Later Dreamworks) with Glenn Entis, Richard Chuang, Carl Rosendahl
- Bus. Summit Talk The Words that Paint a Thousand Pictures: The Role of Verbal Communication in Art Direction with Jan-Bart Van Beek
- Bus. Summit Talk The Digital Illusion of Life with Craig Allen
- Bus. Summit Talk Wicked Problem Solving: 3 meta-skills that underlie design thinking, lean, agile & creative collaboration with Tom Wujec
- Bus. Summit Talk CG Animation: New Immersive Real-Time Workflows with Inga Petryaevskaya, Mladen Dukic
- Bus. Summit Keynote The Blurred Line Between Modeling and Surfacing with Sebastien Deguy
- Bus. Summit Talk The Narrative Culture of Entertainment with Ron Martin
- Bus. Summit Masterclass Process Deconstructed with Sava Zivkovic
- Bus. Summit Talk The Future of Games & Medicine: Creating EndeavorRx. First Game approved as Medicine by FDA for ADHD with Matt Omernick
- Bus. Summit Panel Remote Working in the Time of COVID with David Conley, Fiona Walkinshaw
- Bus. Summit Talk The Value an Artist Brings to a Business with Alex Beddows
- Bus. Summit Talk Nordeus Inception: Creating a games studio outside major creative hubs with Milan Jovovic
- Bus. Summit Talk Sea Change: Revolutionise Your Content Business with XR Spatial Design with Rafi Nizam
- Bus. Summit Talk Synthetic Media: The Future of AI Voices in Entertainment with Zeena Qureshi
- Bus. Summit Talk Revolution in the Serbian Gaming Industry with Milos Paunovic
Online Edition Sessions Not Available in On-Demand Edition
NOTE: We apologize, but these presenters (or their companies) did not consent to on-demand access.
- Keynote The Visual Effects of Tenet with Andrew Jackson
- Keynote This is The Way: VFX for Season One of The Mandalorian with Hal Hickel
- Talk The VFX & Animation of Disney's The One and Only Ivan with Nick Davis
- Talk Mulan: Bringing Legend to Life with Anders Langlands
- Talk The Croods: A New Age & Trolls World Tour with Joel Crawford, Nate Wragg, Walt Dohrn, Kendal Cronkhite
- Talk Trollhunters: Birth of the Premium Animated Series with Rodrigo Blaas