Towards a New Virtual Production Workflow
TOWARDS A NEW VIRTUAL PRODUCTION WORKFLOW: Remaining the roles of the VP supervisor, VAD and Brain Bar and their relationship to VFX Sup and other departments on set
Unlike advertised elsewhere, virtual production and specially ICVFX, is now under a crisis based on an old workflow created from a business model where an uncanny valley is created between content creation in pre-production and the usage of that content on set, gauging mistrust from traditional filmmaking towards ICVFX. Over the last years, I have developed and put into practice a new workflow where on-set services and content creation are part of a unified department under the creative and technological leadership of the Virtual Production Supervisor. This is the first time this new workflow is presented to the public and addresses, amongst other: VFX supervisor frustration with real-time technologies, the relationship of the production designer and DP with the CG environment and lighting and the prospects of the ever-increasing usage of real-time technologies in post-production.