Rainbow CGI Pipeline: an Italian Growth Story

The story of Rainbow CGI is strongly linked to that of its parent company Rainbow Spa: its birth, its name, its nationality, its first films and TV series. However, thanks to the quality of award-winning productions like 44 Cats, it has attracted international attention and started working for famous producers worldwide, such as Disney, Netflix, and Amazon Prime Video, developing an extremely robust pipeline capable of handling massive amounts of data and very complex and long shows.

The presentation will tell our growth story from a technical standpoint, highlighting some of the most significant innovations achieved in terms of production pipelines. All these innovations aim to enhance the eciency of our production process and unleash the full creative potential of our artists, enabling them to primarily focus on the artistic aspect of their work. We will mention several TV series that have undergone significant innovative leaps, with a particular emphasis on one of our current productions: "Pupstruction", which debuted on Disney Junior in the United States this summer.