Your Creative Ability Will Save Humanity

Humanity has arrived at a defining crossroads in its existence. Over the next couple of decades, our generation will succeed or fail in its attempt to develop a way of life that is in harmony with nature and each other — with unimaginable consequences for generations to come. 

Humans’ imaginative, creative ability is the very core of what is needed. Over the past few decades, popular visions of the future have become increasingly depressed, dystopian even. There are many ways in which this is problematic, and one of them is psychological: we tend to believe to be true, what we have clear visions of. And we feel and act accordingly.

For humanity to become successful in this great endeavour, we need another kind of self fulfilling prophecy. One that present us with images of possible futures in which we have succeeded. And we need the most imaginative, creative minds to lead the way. 

Tim Versnel will invite you to lead us into the future in a light-hearted, yet scientifically substantiated and crucially important talk.