Creating an Immersive Experience: From Initial Idea to Final Pitch

Date: Monday, 21 Oct 2019
Time: 3 hours (13:45 -16:45)
Cost: € 91.30 = € 70 + € 21.30 (22% Italian sales tax + Eventbrite fees)

How can XR or immersive experiences raise awareness about environmental issues. A look at the upcoming apocalypse or a tool to help restore environmental balance. 

In this interactive workshop, three NFB mentors will guide participants through some of the main steps of ideation (collective brainstorming, early idea, concept consolidation, etc.) leading to the final pitch of what could become (or not!) a world-changing interactive experience.

Learn about the questions and hurdles that you and your team could come up against if you are planning to create an XR or Immersive project. 

Please join workshop/masterclass mentors Frances McKenzie, Vincent McCurley and Eloi Champagne