How XR (AR, MR, VR) will impact how we create and what we create.

This talk is in part inspired by ongoing experiments happening right now at the National Film Board of
Canada, but it is also based on personal observations and experiences prior to my work at the NFB.
I am fortunate enough to have worked in many creative fields at key moments to witness some major
changes in technology. For instance, I saw firsthand the revolution that desktop computers, combined
with Adobe PostScript, brought to the art and industry of typography, typesetting and printing. I also
saw the transformation that digital cameras and specialized software had on both the art and industry
of photography, filmmaking, animation and VFX.

And now there’s XR.

Extended reality will greatly influence the creative process, and by extension, the final products, in
almost every field where human creativity is part of the equation. It will have a huge impact on how
creators work, where they work and how they share and sell their creations.
Come explore how XR will transform your creative industry.