Industry-Driven Education - Training the Next Generation of Artists

The creative industries have a voracious appetite for talent. The size and diversity of projects is ever increasing and even with relentless technological progress that makes ever more complex visual experiences possible, the need for ‘studio ready’ talent to provide the creative input is endless. Escape Studios was established in 2002 to help talented and passionate newcomers reach the levels of skill required to build a career as a technical artist. These aspiring artists come from a wide range of different backgrounds and they can be bitten by the creative bug at many different stages of their life. We provide opportunities to as many of these as possible by offering a variety of different levels and modes of study, ranging from short evening courses to full-time degree programmes. 

All of our courses are built on our four ‘pillars’ of Practice, Community, Authenticity and Curiosity, and all have four themes running through how the students learn and are assessed: Making Beautiful Experiences, Learning a Craft, Working in Teams and Making it Viable. Designing, developing and delivering these courses with our industry partners, and using studio-based learning to keep the learning environment as real as possible, Escape aims to continue to deliver more ‘Escapees’ to join the thousands already working in award-winning studios across the globe on cutting edge projects.  We will discuss how we keep the courses fresh in a constantly evolving field and how we build industry practice into everything we do.

Ian Palmer is the Director of Escape Studios. His main interests involve 3D content, including animation, computer games and intelligent VR.