Mind the Gap: will games and movies ever converge?

“Games will become like movies, and movies will become like games”. It’s a statement I’ve heard more than once. There is often a certainty about the statement. Convergence of the two industries is apparently inevitable. Part of the reasoning comes from the closing gap in visual fidelity. Modern games can surpass the visual quality of CG movies from 15 years ago, but rendered in real-time. And vice-versa, game engines are being used to pre-visualize complex special effects shots and composite them in real-time on the set.

Technically there is certainly convergence. The creative talent pool is also converging. Directors of Photography, Special Effects supervisors, Casting Directors, and of course the actors and actresses find that their skills are in high demand in both industries. It’s also closing the gap in the quality of narrative, as specific genres of games are looking to engage with their audiences through well-crafted characters, dramatic storytelling and rich spectrum of human emotions.

But there are many, many differences. Some are tiny gaps, mere cracks in the pavement. Some are the size of the Grand Canyon.

So, Is it going to happen ? Let’s explore the two industries closer and see where it all might go.