Masterclass in Art Directing with Vision and Purpose

This master class focuses on essential aspects of art direction which apply to games, film, animation and VR. Starting with clarity on the role of an Art Director we will go through an example of how an AD can establish and effectively communicate the art vision through an Art Style Guide. We will wrap up with a fun interactive critique session. I will provide some images to review but please feel free to also bring some some images you would like to discuss on usb stick.
This class is intended for anyone interested in Art Direction and visual imagery. In addition to AD's and art leads, people from other disciplines will also gain insight into effective processes used in creating and critiquing high quality visuals.
Attendees will take away insights into AAA Game Art Direction best practices. The interactive critique will give attendees an opportunity to sharpen their critical skills for visuals and get more comfortable giving constructive feedback. 

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Note: You do not need to purchase tickets to individual Masterclasses if you buy an All Access Pass - available here.

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BANCA PROSSIMA – Filiale di Milano, Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 10 – 20121 Milano
C/C: 1000/00115602
ABI: 03359
CAB: 01600
IBAN: IT03R0335901600100000115602