Nick Ladd
Animator, Studio Syro
Nick Ladd is a Canadian artist who specializes in producing work in virtual reality, primarily using the software "Quill." He has worked as a lead artist/animator on many animated VR films, including the award-winning short film "Namoo" by Baobab Studios, the world's first animated VR series: "Tales from Soda Island" by Studio Syro, and "Four Stories" which he also wrote and directed. He has worked with many freelance clients, including Meta, Baobab Studios, Nickelodeon, TEDtalks, Studio Syro, and Nick's work can be found on his website: https://www.nickladd.
tv/ He is attending VIEW with his co-workers from Studio Syro, a small team of international Quill artists creating worlds and experiences in Virtual Reality. https://studiosyro.